The European Young Chemists Network (EYCN) represents the interests of the young chemists under 35 years of age in the European Chemical Society (EuChemS). Their aim is to create an exchange platform for university and industry in Europe and bring chemistry closer to a wider audience. Furthermore, they provide support for chemists at an early stage of their career.

Currently, delegates and representatives from 28 countries (30 societies) are part of the EYCN including the two delegates from Austria, Miguel Steiner and Beate Steller. All delegates from these member countries are organized in five teams with different tasks: the Communication Team, the Global Connections Team, the Membership Team, the Networks Team and the Science Team. The steering committee is formed by the leaders of each team, the chair, the secretary as well as the treasurer.

For further information, visit the following links:

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Jungchemiker Newsletter
September 23 - 25, 2024

The Chemistry Days will take place in Graz this year. The motto is "Biobased Chemistry & Technology", with scientific contributions from other areas of chemistry being alsorepresented.