Junge Chemie - leading board

Young Chemist leading board
Young Chemists Network leading team: f.l.t.r. Sarah Keck, Jakob Ehrenbrandtner, Leonhard Hecht, Lukas Magenheim

In November 2022 the new national board was elected by the regional boards. Since then, Leonhard Hecht (Salzburg), Patrick Bonke (Innsbruck, until May 2023), Jakob Ehrenbrandtner (Wien) and Lukas Magenheim (Chair, Wien) are leading the Young Chemists Network in Austria. In October 2023, Sarah Keck joined the team. Due to the growing national and international network and with it the tasks of the leading board.

Together we will foster the communication between our regional teams within Austria, but also to international organisations such as the EYCN and IYCN. Furthermore, we will be coordinating tasks related to finances, public relations and nation-wide projects.

Bild von Sarah'
Sarah Keck

I studied chemistry at the Friedrich-Schiller-University in Jena and came to Vienna with an exchange program in 2015. My master thesis was a cooperation project and I did my practical part at the University of Vienna. Since December 2017, I am working on my doctoral thesis at Vienna University of Technology in the research division of Macromolecular Chemistry. In Germany, I was a student representative and a member of the Jungchemikerforum Jena. I visited several conferences for chemistry student representatives and JCF spring symposia to support the networking of chemistry students in the German-speaking area. It is a great joy to share my experiences and work together with other young chemists throughout Austria.

Bild von Leonhard
Leonhard Hecht

I am currently studying for a bachelor‘s degree in Materials and Sustainability at the Paris Lodron University Salzburg. Since 2020, I have been active as the regional representative of the Young Chemistry in Salzburg. As with my work in the student representation, I am inspired about the contact with committed people from a wide range of fields and that it offers for me both balance and supplement to my studies. Since 2023, I am continuing my involvement in the national board and would like to gain many new experiences here as well.

Bild von Jakob
Jakob Ehrenbrandtner

I became aware of the Young Chemists Network during a workshop in the summer semester of 2019 and from then on got involved as a regional representative in Vienna.
The numerous lectures on various specialist topics personally allow me to look beyond my focus on biotechnology, which I have been pursuing as part of my Master's degree in Technical Chemistry at TU Wien since November 2020. The extensive selection of workshops, excursions and lectures offers the opportunity to discover practical insights into industry and research while still studying. As part of the leading board of the Young Chemists Austria responsible for finances, I am very happy to contribute to ensuring a diverse range of events in the future.

Bild von Lukas
Lukas Magenheim

I am currently studying for a Master's degree in Technical Chemistry at the TU Wien. I joined Junge Chemie in 2018 and was able to shape the regional representation in Vienna together with an excellent team in the past years.
Chemistry is a very versatile science, the personal interests and goals of fellow students often differ fundamentally. It is therefore all the more important to promote a lively interdisciplinary and intergenerational exchange. Together with my team, I have set myself the goal of promoting the networking of young chemists and people interested in chemistry both within Austria and internationally, and also to contribute to bringing this subject a little closer to the center of society and to pass on our personal enthusiasm to the next generations.

Former Members:

Beatrice Daleiden
September 2019 - June 2021

Kirill Faust
September 2019 - June 2021

Felix Purtscher
September 2019 - June 2021

Daniela Söllinger
September 2019 - June 2021

Daniel Menia
October 2018 - September 2019

Miguel Steiner
October 2016 - September 2019

Degenhart Hochfilzer
September 2017 - September 2019

Julian Dutzler
October 2016 - September 2019

Simon Albertini
September 2013 - October 2016

Emanuel Ehmki
September 2013 - October 2016

Simon Hofer
September 2013 - October 2015

Veronika Huber
September 2013 - October 2016

Elisabeth Mairhofer
September 2013 - April 2017

Stefan Felderer
September 2013 - October 2017

Martin Wieser
September 2013 - October 2017

Join the GÖCH
Junge Chemie Newsletter
October 22, 2024

The Young Chemists are hosting a get-to-know-you event and games night on October 22 at CCB at approximately 20:00 for all students, but especially freshmen, to meet new people and socialize.

November 06, 2024

Look forward to an exciting pub quiz at Mariatheresia!

November 22-24, 2024

The workshop weekend of the Young Chemistry Innsbruck and the Young Chemistry Forum Munich that gives you the skills for your future career!