Jungchemiker Innsbruck - Regular's Table
Science Slam


On the 29th of November, 2019, our first Young Chemists regulars’ table took place in our homely halls of the Center for Chemistry and Biomedicine. As in last years slam as well, this time four brave slammers took their best shot and were to captivate the entire audience with their talent. Daniel Strolz was responsible for the kick-off of the evening with his comedic presentationabout the probably most well known contraceptive on the market - the pill. Afterwards Leonard Pasqualini gave us a quirky excerpt on his research field, high pressure chemistry.

Die 16 Teilnehmer_innen beim Vernetzungstreffen.

Helene Ziegler “enlightened“ us by talking about the least noticed SI-Unit in science, Candela. At last, defending champion of last years slam, Sarah Madlener, told us about the dangers of radiation - or primarily the lack of them in commerical microwave usage. After the end of our first round and the unfortunate elimination of our defending champion, the remaining three slammers got their time to shine in a randomly picked powerpoint-karaoke. After these fairly educational contributions about employment law, Wikipedia, and “the toilet“, Leonard managed to take the title by a narrow lead. His efforts were rewarded with a voucher for every chemists most frequented pub, the Zappa.

Die 16 Teilnehmer_innen beim Vernetzungstreffen.

Die 16 Teilnehmer_innen beim Vernetzungstreffen.

Die 16 Teilnehmer_innen beim Vernetzungstreffen.

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Jungchemiker Newsletter
October 17, 2024

Join the pubquiz of the Young Chemists Linz at the KHG bar for a nice drink and some tricky questions!

October 22, 2024

The Young Chemists are hosting a get-to-know-you event and games night on October 22 at CCB at approximately 20:00 for all students, but especially freshmen, to meet new people and socialize.

November 22-24, 2024

The workshop weekend of the Young Chemistry Innsbruck and the Young Chemistry Forum Munich that gives you the skills for your future career!


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