Junge Chemie Workshop
Workshop - My way to a successful application

Host: Young Chemists Innsbruck

Trainer: Career-Service Uibk

Date: April 18, 2024

Time: 4 pm - 6 pm

Place: CCB, Room L.02.122

Language: German

Deadline for registration: 16 April, 2024

Would you like to know how to start your career or apply for an internship professionally?

In the Career Services workshop "My way to the application", you will receive input on the application process, from the first step to salary negotiations. Get tips and strategies for successfully preparing your application, creating targeted application documents and gain insights into what you can expect in an interview.

The registration is closed.

Join the GÖCH
Junge Chemie Newsletter
September 23 - 25, 2024

The Chemistry Days will take place in Graz this year. The motto is "Biobased Chemistry & Technology", with scientific contributions from other areas of chemistry being alsorepresented.